Monday, May 22, 2006:

STFU and think before (I) you hurt (you)rself.

I'm a twisted bastard, on certain levels, and so I have to laugh at this.

The SCMRPG forums.

Okay, I'll let you know right now: Columbine was some serriously fucked up shit. I don't consider these kids heroes or anything, but I do think that they're people who should definately be looked at. Espically when (I or) even some of the people I know could very well be in their same position (to some extent or another...), and so suddenly it becomes rather importaint to figure out what it is that keeps kids who wear trenchcoats, have access to weapons, know how to create numerous types of explosives, and at some point have been ailenated from society, from becoming the kids who are using all those resources on their classmates. Do you disagree?

I don't see music and/or games being the cause. Music and emotions are undeniably tied together, but I've found that it is generally a person's emotions that dictates what music they listen to. As far as games...I've had DooM on my computer from the point where I figured out "hey, when I push these button things, each one does something specific on the t.v. part!" Desnsitized? Yeah, I won't deny that. But my parents made sure that I knew that it was only a game (along with all the other stuff on the computer), and that in real life things are different. It seems like a duh concept, but because that was set in me so young I have a much firmer concept of that, and honestly, if there's kids out there who play a game and then say "hey, I'm gonna go outside and do all that crazy shit today." then that kid's a lost hope allready, the parent's obviously did some crappy job raising them, and if they do end up getting killed or killing themselves, then that's darwinism, and it's probally a good thing that we're getting these people with blured perceptions out of the gene pool as the world moves ever foreward with the possibilities of the virtural world. And I'll let you know, I'm not desensitized to a rediculous point. The sight of a corpse still makes me queasy and...genearlly makes me shut the fuck up and think about mortality and the beauty of being alive. (side note at this point: Suck it.)

From a gamer perspective, the game isn't bad. But the whole thing is build on the RPG Maker system, and so I went and got that and am gonna be working on my own, so the gaming part I think is sorta void. Premise/story...well, I suppose that's the whole point. That's why I like this Columbin guy who created it. He gets it, and he says so in the forums. The game is not something that idolises these kids, nor is it some sort of instructional program on how to go on a killing spree (belive me, if someone is so inclined, it's the sort of thing they'll be able to figure out on their own). It a memorial. It's esentially the same as a wall on the site of a large battle. Play long enough into the game, and there is a long montage of pictures of people crying, and carnage and havoc and such. I gotta say, I'd be lying if I said I was unmoved. Then, of course, the game follows the boys into hell where they start killing plenty of DooM enemies, and even manage to meet Nitche.

I could go either way at this point...On the one hand, if it ended right after the "aftermath monolouge" it would be much more solemn and probally not have pissed off as many loose-liped critics (optional read as: flaming assholes) as it did, but at the same time, it moves on to prove a point: it is only a game. It has to go back to this origional point of making the difference between real life and games obvious. We do generally have problems when people run around and ruin kids fun because "red rover" isn't sensitive to Indians and fucking dogs. Native Americans. Whatever. You see my point. To have left it solemn would have been nice, but it also would have been a disservice. People need to realize that as soon as anything is taken to serriously, it looses the ability to be taken in a manner that might further mankind. Since I hate people that get on soap boxes saying what mankind needs to do, I'll stop this line now before I become one of them.

There's another good point that's brought up on the forum: Games depicting Vietnam or WWII or what have you are all out in stores, and why should war be treated differntly then this? I don't really think it should. Look at both: Innocents are killed, one way or another, bodies are lying around, there's explosions going off, there's people with weapons, and those same people are quite mentally unstable because of the things they've experienced in life. Now I ask you, which one did I just describe? By the way, Apocalypse Now depicted the horrors of war, and yet people world wide are still fighting and dying. Quite an effect these things seem to have...

To tell you the truth, one thing really freaked me out tho. While you're running around, you're dealing damage in the 60-200 area, and all the people are hitting back with like 3's. Not to mention the seemingly endless supply of weapons at your disposal. Yes, this increases that feeling of senceless massacre, but that's not the part that freaks me out. What gets to me is that back when I played DooM in my early days, I would always play with god mode and infinate weapons turned on. Granted, I did it because otherwise I was such suck back then that I would fall in a hole and die horribly cause I was not 1337majorskillz yet, but damnit if that's not esentailly the same thing.


By the way, when I say I have to laugh at it, I'm laughing at the radical flaming that's occuring, and not the senceless death. I'm a bit twised, but I'm not totally cracked you sick freaks.

No more of this tongiht.
I hope this helps to explain that sensation you've been having. In your anus.

Saturday, May 20, 2006:

The brick holds it up, and the duct tape holds it in.

[zhwip thok!]

Yeah...I had a kinda interesting day.

[zhwip thok!]

Most people you ask will tell you that that's proablly a lie, but it's true. The reason for both is because I didn't leave the house today. That pissed off the people that wanted me to go out and do stuff.

[zhwip thok!]

My responce was "screw that" and I stayed home.

[zhwip thok!]

Hey, it's not that I'm trying to spite anyone or anything, I just felt like staying home. And I feel it was worth it. Granted, tomarrow I would be up for doing stuff probally, but whatever. Take each day as it comes.

[zhwip thok!]

It sort of ties in with this theory I've had going for a while. You can't expect to be happy with your surroundings if you aren't happy with yourself. Two reasons: Fisrt, you are the the constant for every situation you are in. Friends, places, things...all of those can be different, but you will always be with you. Secondly, not only are you the only one who is sure to stay with you, but you have the greatest ablity to change yourself. It's the same reason. It's hard to change the people and things around you, and even though it can be hard to change yourself too, you're always going to be there to keep at it. Besides, if you can't even do that, then you shouldn't even begin to think of changing anything else.

[zhwip thok!]

But there's a trick to it you see. You breathe in, then put it to your lips, aim, and blow.

[zhwip thok!]

Like I said, I had an interesting day. I learn how to make blowgun darts. It's supprisingly simple. I made 9 in a half hour. And they're good to. I got bored ad shot one straight up, and it stuck in the ceiling. That was awesome. It was even awesome when I shot myself in the foot.

[zhwip thok!]

And as it turns out, I have sensitive feet. Whenever I go out I have shoes on, and if I don't then I pretty much just keep going "ow!ow!ow!oh!ee!ah!shee!etc!" I'm not sure how I ended up that way, but I like my feet. Feet are supposed to be sensitive. There's a lot of nerve endings on your feet to help you figure out the ground and letyou stand really well. Know where else there's a lot of nerve endings? Hands, lips, nipples, and the genital region. Also, suprisingly, on the inside of the knees. Remember that next time you're on a date, fellas. To put it all simply, I can really understand why foot rubs can be so sensual. So next time any of you girls out there wonder if I'm ticklish, try my feet. And if any of you guys are wondering, well, good for you, but I will beat the everliing shit out of you if you try anything.

[zhwip thok!]

Damn. Now there's a dart stuck in my ceiling.

It's like a choose your own adventure story, except I'm not giving you a choice.

Tuesday, May 16, 2006:

Andy Milionokis needs to be smacked.

Triskut wrote:
"Lolz! U can play the old ts just d-load it rename ur ts2.1 folder to like poop or whatever and name the other one TS and then TS_lv and there u go u can play the old ts no 1s prolly on but hey u still can Wink"

Schmung wrote:
Im going to ban you if I ever, ever see a post like that again from you.
Sentences motherfucker, do you use them?
Same applies for basic spelling, grammar and coherency.


My brain meats hurt. I'll get back later.

Well, I'd tell ya, but truth is I don't give enough of a damn to know.

Sunday, May 14, 2006:

Sav3 teh interwebs!!!11

Please act immediately to save the Internet. The internet, as it has been created since it's development, has become a place which goes beyond the borders of any one person, state, or country. It is essence a whole new world, one which is free of constraints and limited only by imagination. In that lies the beauty of the internet. The freedom is promises people. To filter and control the content of the internet would put this country in a very similar position as to that of China. However, American would not simply stand by as it happened. The most likely outcome of the would affair would be the abandonment of the internet, destroying it, along with the origional beauty it promised.

More that that, the internet was created as a means to gather and complie information, and to this point in time has fuffiled, and even gone beyond, that ideal. Granted, there are numerous sites dedicated to pornography and racial hate groups and even promoters of illegal acts. But, the law breakers are arrested for their doings in the real world, hate groups are attacked by the will of the majority of the people, and considering the amount of content on the internet, viewing pornography is done by choice, and the repurcussions of that are limited to the viwer themselves, leaving others to thier own doings.
Further on the content available to the well intented patrons of the internet, the possibilities are virtually infinate. The comming together of people from a worldwide scene has led to a realization of infinate inteligence. The only way to not find something on the internet is to purposely look for something which you know does not exist. Even at that, however, you will still be supprised by how many of those queries will still return content. And in the event that it doesn't, as a person with a computer, it is possible to put content out there yourself, thus further elminating the holes in the internet, and bringing it ever closer to being a complete compendium of all known human knowledge.

Also, the internet is becoming a new way for a person to support themselves. While certain sites like Amazon and E-bay are held as top purchasing sites on the internet, that is not limiting others, such as my own family and neighbors, from setting up their own shops and promoting their businesses.

Much on the same vein, the internet allows for everyone to have a place for self expression. As an artist , this is a very importaint issue to me, as I rely on the internet to serve as a gallery so others can view my work. This same feeling also to applies to writers and musicians and people who are experimenting with the new possibilities found in digital medias. Simply put, I do not want to be deemed "unsuitable" or "unessissairy" and replaced by something else which is, simply, not me.

So I ask you to vote for enforceable network neutrality, not simply because I don't want to be filtered, because it would destroy the foundation of the internet as a free space where all are equal and the will of the people truly does rule, or even because it could ruin capitalistic ventures and there by people who can not find work elsewhere, but also because I belive that control of the internet would not work. The thechnologicaly elightened among us would simply do what they always have done, and invent new ways of getting this done, even if it involved returning to a older form of the internet where private networks connected directly to each other, where the controling companies could not touch them. This is a truth in the nature of the "techies" who invented the internet and keep it running strong.

The internet does not belong to companies, it belongs to the people, and everyone who continues to create it and expand it. Please express these feelings to the rest of the nation.

(This is the only time I'm going to mention this. I feel strongly about it, but I'm lazy and personally hate a lot of the people who are whiny liberal bastards who are always talking about taking action, even if they do take action. Good for them, they should keep at it, just as long as they know that if they don't get off my lawn I'm going to break their kneecaps with my crowbar. I have other things to deal with, and I'm looking out for numero uno.)

Give the drummer some! Cauz dadrummaainhadnuninawahhhhh...

Sunday, May 07, 2006:

Please place all metalic, explosive, or magical items in the tray.

So, I think I learned something. I think. Or I knew it allready but just never knew it. It's something cool to realize. The world is like a giant sand box. I always had this weird sort of preconception that things are differnet in differnet situations. Best example I can give is like a teacher is a teacher, but if you see one anywhere else, it can be rather surreal. Or like a buttler, or someone who wroks at a store, or anything like that. It wasn't until I wasa in a position like that that I finally learned that people are people, and wether or not they're working or in curch or whatever, they're still people.

So, that clearing up some really messed thinking proccesses, it opened the door for some other similarly liberating thought. Like...Cars don't need to follow the roads! The idea is that basically you can do whatever you want. Rules can only limit you if you choose to follow them. In the end, you are the only one to limit yourself. This is cool cause this means y'all can't stop me.

The only reason I mention this is because now that I'm the driver, a certain time honored tradition in my family has been taken for a new spin, and requires that I take some questionably legal turns around the town of Warwick. Also, it's given me more new insights to the origin of my ninja-ness.

Yes, now I'm the one who drives the car on dumpster diving/garbage pickin' night while my dad hangs out the door and nabs the cool shit.

Say what you will, but we got some awesome shit that way. Why, in the past week alone we picked up a light bar like they got on cop cars, 3 vacuum cleaners, a power washer, a stereo, a gituar amp, a couple of window fans, and almost a wheelchair...if we had had enough room for it.

Point is... the trick to being good at this is you need to be able to work under the cover of darkness, and you need to be quick you can nab the stuff and get away before the police/owner of the house arrive (even tho odds are they won't). Also, you gotta have a good eye to spot the good stuff in the first place. There is a good load of actual garbage out you need to be able to pick out the good things. Then, of course, the biggest test of ninja is being able to make it home without waking mom who'll so totally beat the crap out of me and dad with a rolling pin because this'll make the 23rd thing we've brought home this week.

Now, while my dad does this because he has the amazing ability to fix crap which people throw out (helpful hint: the richer the people, the easier the fix/the cooler the stuff!), I have to put it to some other use.

I call it the pile of crap theory. It's based on certain principles. It's like this: I put as much crap in my room as possible. As I put more and more stuff in my room, the probably of being able to find things in my room goes up. Theorethically, if I get enough crap in my room, then I may be able to drive probability up high enough that I can begin to find things in my room because of probability alone, independent of wether or not it was ever put in my room to begin with.

Man, I love messing around with quantim mechanics. And I still belive that Thermodynamics has A LOT to do with lighting things on fire and then throwing them.

Look'it that, Flip. You did something!