The brick holds it up, and the duct tape holds it in.
[zhwip thok!]
Yeah...I had a kinda interesting day.
[zhwip thok!]
Most people you ask will tell you that that's proablly a lie, but it's true. The reason for both is because I didn't leave the house today. That pissed off the people that wanted me to go out and do stuff.
[zhwip thok!]
My responce was "screw that" and I stayed home.
[zhwip thok!]
Hey, it's not that I'm trying to spite anyone or anything, I just felt like staying home. And I feel it was worth it. Granted, tomarrow I would be up for doing stuff probally, but whatever. Take each day as it comes.
[zhwip thok!]
It sort of ties in with this theory I've had going for a while. You can't expect to be happy with your surroundings if you aren't happy with yourself. Two reasons: Fisrt, you are the the constant for every situation you are in. Friends, places, things...all of those can be different, but you will always be with you. Secondly, not only are you the only one who is sure to stay with you, but you have the greatest ablity to change yourself. It's the same reason. It's hard to change the people and things around you, and even though it can be hard to change yourself too, you're always going to be there to keep at it. Besides, if you can't even do that, then you shouldn't even begin to think of changing anything else.
[zhwip thok!]
But there's a trick to it you see. You breathe in, then put it to your lips, aim, and blow.
[zhwip thok!]
Like I said, I had an interesting day. I learn how to make blowgun darts. It's supprisingly simple. I made 9 in a half hour. And they're good to. I got bored ad shot one straight up, and it stuck in the ceiling. That was awesome. It was even awesome when I shot myself in the foot.
[zhwip thok!]
And as it turns out, I have sensitive feet. Whenever I go out I have shoes on, and if I don't then I pretty much just keep going "ow!ow!ow!oh!ee!ah!shee!etc!" I'm not sure how I ended up that way, but I like my feet. Feet are supposed to be sensitive. There's a lot of nerve endings on your feet to help you figure out the ground and letyou stand really well. Know where else there's a lot of nerve endings? Hands, lips, nipples, and the genital region. Also, suprisingly, on the inside of the knees. Remember that next time you're on a date, fellas. To put it all simply, I can really understand why foot rubs can be so sensual. So next time any of you girls out there wonder if I'm ticklish, try my feet. And if any of you guys are wondering, well, good for you, but I will beat the everliing shit out of you if you try anything.
[zhwip thok!]
Damn. Now there's a dart stuck in my ceiling.
It's like a choose your own adventure story, except I'm not giving you a choice.
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