Radar Earring
Honestly now, people suck at map. I was told 4 or 5 different ways to get to Tim's House, and 2 were rediculously out of the way and one was just plain old wrong.
This is the cloest way.
Well, actually, I might go up upper wisner instead of sticking on lower wisner, but that might just be me. I like being given a start and end point and having to figure ways through. That's one of the reasons I've always liked Rally races. Of course, with those there's one guy driving and the passenger is giving driving directions. I couldn't do that part. By this point, I've more than learned that I should not listen to people. They're bad for me.
And, while I'm on the topic of how to get to Tim's house, I might as well go in to why it's so imparitive why I know how to get there. I like Tim. Tim is like...I dunno. I guess that like if Ryan is my tatical/asskicking partner for games/construction/general nerding, then Tim is my art/crazyness/idea making. We're in synch, ya' know? Just...lazy, so nothing really gets done between us. But we still have fun.
It's even more importaint that I learn things about my friends, considering that we'll be off to college all to soon...
F*R*A*G: Beefy Parakeet is Dave Letterman's favorite Campbells Soup variety.
This messiah thing is just a side gig. I have a real job asshole!
So, have I ever told you that I'm probally gonna get a job as a janitor? It's not that I want to be one, or that I really have any interest at all in the janitorial industry...but it just seems like destiny. Whenever I end up voluntiering (read: find out that I've been voluntiered / am told) to do some work with the KoC or any people who need work, I always end up putting tables away and/or mopping floors and/or moving heavy shit from one place to another and/or throwing shit out and/or any number of other things that have to do with manual labor and/or construction/destruction. Always.
Not that I really have a problem with that. Manual labor is just like...something I do. Intelligence be damned. Sometimes I just get tired of thinking. At least, thinking on purpose. I find any sort of cleansing to be a very spritual thing. This goes for any kind of cleaning...even...washing old filing cabinets. It must have something to do with the symbolism of cleansing...new beginings...rebirth...removing of defects and ill marks...some crap like that. Crap or not, it's suprisingly true. As you cleanse, you also cleanse the mind. I don't mind moving shit around and washing shit because it gives me a lot of time to think.
But if not a janitor, I should probally be a bartender. My mom told me that. Something about...people tend to open up to me, I'm polite enough to keep people coming back, but still have enough badass to be able to throw trouble makers out on their asses. And apparently bartenders can make big bucks. Looks like I know what I might be doin in college...
Can anyone teach me how to mix drinks? I don't think soy sauce in kool-aid counts.
F*R*A*G: "Yes, I did say robot." --Ralph Nader.
Okay, so over the past week or so I've learned a few things. Some are more importaint than others, but anything learned is just another step towards condensing the universe into a single thought and memorizing it. The majority of these things follow.
Somewhere, I learned the core combat tatic of "Let your enemies know where you are, and then don't be there." I've always found this to be a sturdy saying that has proven itself on numerous occasions. However, I've found that it really should only be used as a backup to the first tatic of "Don't let your enemies know where you are." Stealth is a very esential key, but once you blow that you need deception. Or everyone could go for about two days of solid killing action and then get caught up in real life again and forget about battle until the last two days of break.
Next is a lesson in Mercedes-Benz engineering: A Mercedes-Benz drives with the consistency of pudding. Fast pudding, but pudding none the less. I was in the city for Thrusday so that me and my father could pick up our new automotice aquisition. We then had to drive it back home. It's kinda a crazy car...automatic/electronic everything, buttons and knobs out the wazoo, and a moonroof. But the way I mean it's pudding is that left-to-right wise, it steers somewhat like a boat (it'll only tilt if you don't turn the wheel enough, but once it does turn it's suprisingly sensitive), and yet it has quite a bit of pickup (Dad: "Wow! We're allready doing 90!" Me: "The speed limit's only 60" Dad: "85, 80, 70...")
Building a computer is easy. All you need is a case with motherboard and powersupply, then stick in a video card, sound card, and network card/modem. Then plug in the shit and you're ready to go. The tricky part to all this is if you need to...say...canabalize the three games computers in your basement because an unnamed friend managed to fry one of them so you switch parts around and find other parts around the basement to fix it, and you learn the wonders of parts, drives, power cables, video drivers, switching fans out of powersupplies so they stop smelling like burnt, putting the right ram chips in in the right order, switching cases when you realize everything you need is not going to fit, and then learning the really importaint part is to keep a window open and fan blowing because otherwise you will literally choke to death on the amount of dust that can build up inside a computer.
I now know I can cook some damn good pork chops.
If you are someone who plays RPG games, then there is an extremely high possibility that you have no life. It just seems this way to me, but this may only seem more apparent with RPG games because they can be very addicting. I know I must have put over 60 hours into playing the specialists in the entire time that I've had it, but I don't know for sure. I do know that in teh last 4 days-ish I've put 15+ hours into Samuari Legend Musashi. It's a very good game tho. I should be done with it very soon.
The mall can be a cool place. Just the other day Tim and I went to the Galleria to see Scary Movie 4 (TY4Smoking is playing there now!), and after the movie were we looking at the bunnies, then went to buy jawbreakers, then on the way back saw a whole buncha security guards surrounding an empty store front that apparently moments before had shattered somehow. (I snagged a glass shard. A token.) Then , as we began to wonder what to do next, the fire alarm in the mall went of. At least, we assumed it was. It sounded annoying and there were flashing lights, so we left. That's more cool that's come out of one trip to the mall then at least the last 5 trips.
I do look much better clean shaven.
Just think what you could learn tomarrow.
F*R*A*G: Ah, Musashi!
I have come to a conclusion. There is no valid reason to watch Neon Genesis Evangelion. It will be labeled masochistic, and then anyone who wishes to view it will do so at their own discression and risk.
It's bad enough that every episode you watch is more and more fucked up, but then by the end when all sorts of shit that can't (and with any regard to human sanity, SHOULDN'T) happen begins to start happening all at once, it's just a liiiitle bit to much.
As for me, I was lucky. Two days ago I had a paper to write. I was up until 1:30 in the morning on that night trying to get it done, and so I Was to tired to watch it before going to sleep. The nights before I was also tired, so I was really getting to a breaking point. My plan was to watch them (note: them being the final 2 Eva movies (talk to Anders about that, but again, only at your own risk)) after I woke up on friday, but from 3:00 shen I got home, I slept until 8:30 the next morning. Quick math: that was about 16 hours, give or take, and this was a good thing. Not only was I finally actually rested (moreso then I have been in quite a while), but I was in a condition to watch these movies and survive. If I had watched them while still tired, I most likely would have been silent for about 42 minutes, and then after that have just started laughing histerically, and then actually managed to laugh myself to death. Also, I would have left a note that would have caused the first few readers to kill themselves. That's the effect that movie would'a had on me, because that's just the kinda guy I am.
But I must say, the movie end was much better then the series end. It actually managed to sum things up and then end them while not actually forgetting that there was a storyline beforehand. It was severily fucked up, but it was still better. Note that I never said it made sence.
For some reason, since I made to it really near then end of the series until now, I've been thinking back to this one episode of the Upright Citizens Brigade that I saw once. It was the one with the Bucket of Truth. It was a bucket of pure unadulterated truth. Anyone who looked into it was driven mad because they now knew the truth about the soul of man. Then there was the renegade cop who had nothing to live for anymore. You know the kind. Drives fast. Drinks a lot. Lost his wife. Goes to bed crying everynight with his gun in his mouth. That sorta guy. Last few seconds of the episode, he finally says "I can't take it anymore. GOD! I'M GOING TO SEE THE TRUTH YOU BASTARD!!!!" And sticks his head in the Bucket of Truth. He pulls his head out, but instead of running off into oblivion like everyone else who has looked into it does, he just turns up to heaven and screams at God, "DON'T YOU THINK I KNOW THAT ALLREADY?"
(Full summation can be found here.)
I think there was a good chance that there was a copy of Eva in the bucket. Maybe two. Two copies and half an apple pie with a scoop or two of strawberry ice cream.
F*R*A*G: ::Grabs violently by the shoulders and looks straight in the eyes:: THEY ALL BECAME ONE. THAT IS NOT RIGHT.
Preperations A through G
There's a reason I don't correct all my clocks for DST is 3 fold:
1) DST is gay. Fucking farmer's math.
2) It's a secret plan. By having some clocks ahead by an hour for half the year, it forces me to self-adjust to the belief that it's later then I thought, and then for the other half of the year I will think I have more time which will be a bit of stress release, and then all the while I will have an acurate grasp of time as well.
3) Number 2 is total bullcrap. I'm lazy, and only doing a couple means that I've done half the work, for two halves of the year. That's a total work, so it balances out.
I just thought I'd share that with you all.
Oh yeah, and don't get me wrong, I'm not using gay as a degratory term there. Just to say something's ass backwards, and doesn't make much sense. Humans are split into two sexes so that they can come together to create new life. I got no problem with gay. In fact, I'm probally around 32% gay. At least. And probally about...44% Taco. That's something different tho...
SO yeah, I got a buncha theories I've been toying around with on comercialism, atraction, souls, art, religion, and just a lot of stuff. No reason in particular really...just had a big workload lately, and my brain is despreately trying to escape. I don't blame it. I am very tired. As soon as Friday comes I'm going to hit a wall and sleep for the entire weekend. Then do some of my own work. Spring break is gonna be sweet, cause I'm gonna play Samuari Legend Musashi. Plus this own work of my own is gonna be like the Information Prougecast and other fine Public Broadcasting, my comic (Which I am in the middle of inking...but more on that later), stories to write, quotes to coagulate, some video projects I wanna try, and just a bunch more games I wanna get back into playing. Then of course, there's some other "Quote, unquote" stuff that I wanna get into. Not get into isn't in quotes, because it's not innuendo. Nessissairly.
Oh well, back to the lava mines.
F*R*A*G: Oh my god...it's their ultimate weapon...THE BATSHIT BEAM. IT MAKES PEOPLE GO BATSHIT.