Preperations A through G
There's a reason I don't correct all my clocks for DST is 3 fold:
1) DST is gay. Fucking farmer's math.
2) It's a secret plan. By having some clocks ahead by an hour for half the year, it forces me to self-adjust to the belief that it's later then I thought, and then for the other half of the year I will think I have more time which will be a bit of stress release, and then all the while I will have an acurate grasp of time as well.
3) Number 2 is total bullcrap. I'm lazy, and only doing a couple means that I've done half the work, for two halves of the year. That's a total work, so it balances out.
I just thought I'd share that with you all.
Oh yeah, and don't get me wrong, I'm not using gay as a degratory term there. Just to say something's ass backwards, and doesn't make much sense. Humans are split into two sexes so that they can come together to create new life. I got no problem with gay. In fact, I'm probally around 32% gay. At least. And probally about...44% Taco. That's something different tho...
SO yeah, I got a buncha theories I've been toying around with on comercialism, atraction, souls, art, religion, and just a lot of stuff. No reason in particular really...just had a big workload lately, and my brain is despreately trying to escape. I don't blame it. I am very tired. As soon as Friday comes I'm going to hit a wall and sleep for the entire weekend. Then do some of my own work. Spring break is gonna be sweet, cause I'm gonna play Samuari Legend Musashi. Plus this own work of my own is gonna be like the Information Prougecast and other fine Public Broadcasting, my comic (Which I am in the middle of inking...but more on that later), stories to write, quotes to coagulate, some video projects I wanna try, and just a bunch more games I wanna get back into playing. Then of course, there's some other "Quote, unquote" stuff that I wanna get into. Not get into isn't in quotes, because it's not innuendo. Nessissairly.
Oh well, back to the lava mines.
Oh my's their ultimate weapon...THE BATSHIT BEAM. IT MAKES PEOPLE GO BATSHIT.
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