Saturday, April 29, 2006:

Radar Earring

Honestly now, people suck at map. I was told 4 or 5 different ways to get to Tim's House, and 2 were rediculously out of the way and one was just plain old wrong.

This is the cloest way.

Well, actually, I might go up upper wisner instead of sticking on lower wisner, but that might just be me. I like being given a start and end point and having to figure ways through. That's one of the reasons I've always liked Rally races. Of course, with those there's one guy driving and the passenger is giving driving directions. I couldn't do that part. By this point, I've more than learned that I should not listen to people. They're bad for me.

And, while I'm on the topic of how to get to Tim's house, I might as well go in to why it's so imparitive why I know how to get there. I like Tim. Tim is like...I dunno. I guess that like if Ryan is my tatical/asskicking partner for games/construction/general nerding, then Tim is my art/crazyness/idea making. We're in synch, ya' know? Just...lazy, so nothing really gets done between us. But we still have fun.

It's even more importaint that I learn things about my friends, considering that we'll be off to college all to soon...


Beefy Parakeet is Dave Letterman's favorite Campbells Soup variety.


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