Thursday, September 07, 2006:

Why is that mecha...moaning???

The other day I had a really scarry experience. I was making the right turn from Whickam Village onto Kings Highway. After a few seconds of driving on that road, my dad smacked me in the knee and said, "Do you want to get on the right side of the road now?" I didn't get what he meant at first, but suddenly I got it and swerved. I had been driving in the left lane.

That really scared the crap out of me. It's not that I fear oncomming traffic, but more that I really did not notice anything wrong. I was quiet for the rest of the ride, as I tried to figure out what the hell I was thinking. By the time I got home, I figured out what it was.

I just felt like it.

I guess I really do just live in my own little world. I always have. I don't know if ever endangered my life before. I bet it has, but there just wasn't someone there to smack me out of it. I'm thinking I should drive with a person around all the time. Just in case.

Well, I think living in your own little world is actually nessissairy if you're gona be an artist. Unfortunately for me, I've had to deal with a lot of artists in my time, and...they all piss me off. I find they all fall into one of three categories: Crazy nice, crazy and withdrawn, or totally full of themselves. Anyway, I think you need to be in your own little world so you can put your own twist on everything you see.

Er, yeah. I'm sure I had more to say, but damned if I can't remember most of it.

I do know, that Star For: Command for the DS (IT IS STILL A GAMEBOY) gets the LCom Seal of Approval. It's the first game I have ever played where every button, including the d-pad, is FIRE. THAT. IS. AWESOME.

Speaking of games, I think the next two games I'm going to review (finally) are going to be Little Fighter 2 and Frentic Plus. I beat Frentic Plus today, and it was awesome. I think I'll go beat it again.

School sucks T_T

The name of my new book will be, "Semicolon: What the fuck is it for?"


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