Stare at the camera.
After watching a lot of TV and movies and internet media, and the Simpsons, I've come up with some observations.
Okay, more exatly, I watched a lot of the old Simpsons, some of the new, called the new crap, then decided that if I back up my crap calling with "observations" then I would at least be making an attempt at contributing to society, but still get to call things crap.
Now, most of the time it's a question of what you're going for. When you have only 26 minutes to work with, you can fit Homer's Oddsey, but you just gotta do it fast. Never stay in one place too long. Also, once a person has played their part, they never need to be seen again. Using letters or computers as plot devices work, but then you miss out on any chance of making the appearance that the characters aren't isolated in their own little world.
Now, sometimes you want to stretch somehting out a little, either to give details or to render feelings of akwardness. Guess what folks. An akward pause (a.k.a. a pregnant pause) can be effective when only one and a half seconds long. Even if you wanted to stretch that to a point where the characters, audience, and nealson ratings guys are litterlaly SUFFOCATING in akward silence, then you still have a minute forty-five left to finish a scene in 2 minutes. Do it right and you won't even need all that.
Short things are fine. If you manage to fill up 15 minutes with scenes tha barely hit 2-3 minutes, then that's quite a bit. Remember, most hit songs are somewhere between 1:30 and 3:00 long. If you can do things like that and get even an hour out of that, then that's quite the impressive heap of content. It gives room to apeal to different sences of humor, genres, ideas, and the ocasional burst of randomness.
Don't forget, in this society, people are being trained to survive by keeping track of many things at once at the cost of the inability to focus for too long. Remember, quotes are memorable, but it took me 2 hours to memorize a solioquly from Machbeth (and still got it wrong when I recited it the next day, I might add.).
Why do I bring this all up? One, it's yet another entry in the series of works which I create in an effort to convince myself that I'm smarter then other people, and also it feels about the time that I film something. But I need to write it first, and this is a good way to think about things I need to keep in mind.
Actually, first I think I would like to shoot a music video. Why? Cause it's an excersice in filmography. no words, but you still have the chance to tell a story. Why not just show all the stuff they're talking about in the song? well, if you saw Ted's Pants, you'll see how, while possibly entertaining, it turns corny and repetive. Fast. So, sprinkle it in wher you can, but telling a seperate story that shares emotions and/or themes with the song is probally a better bet. Make it fit with the beat too. Sorta like Video Video Revolution...
But don't listen to me. What the hell do I know. i've got great ideas but really haven't acomplished anything. Yet. Get your ignorin' in while you can, cause soon I'll be proven awesome, and you'll have to listen to me.
Ninja star in the eye.
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