Colony drop.
I seem to have developed a taste for cold pizza. This will come in handy when I move up north to Alaska to go live with the penguins.
Note that I didn't say I'm going up north to get away from people. It's somewhat implied, but it really isn't because of that. I just don't like heat.
I would like to get a summer home up north actually. If not Antartica, then maybe just way up in Canada somewhere. I know normally what people normally do is go south for the winter, but I'm going north for the summer. To some artic jungle where I get a fence or something. No real reason, but just because that's what you do in summer homes I think. I dunno, I don't have a summer home. I've never been rich.
Fighting the urge to use a blue colored pencil to stir the powered cheese into the microwaved macoroni...of life.
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