Ahh...to be young again. And also a robot.
Uh oh... I may have done something that could be useful. I registered a new blog with Blogspot, and rebuilt it into a Freeware computer game review site.
For those of you who don't know, freeware basically me computer programs that are free. This is as opposed to shareware - demos meant to be shared over the internet and such - and normal software, which is what suckers go out and buy.
Now, while it could just be a excersize in having an ego on my part, I like to belive that it's really part of my master plan for having a future. You see, I've done reviewing before, both on my own, and with GameHippo. On my own, I thought it was too much work for something which no one was reading. When I was with GH, I made some miscalculations, and said that one guy made a game that was just okay, and as it turns out that everyone else thought of him as a god, so I decided it was best to leave before I got...shot.
Now, by some twist of fate, although I haven't been back there in at least a year, I am still on the list of people who get mailed new submissions. This keeps me up to date on some of the new games I might other wise have missed, AND on how much people seem to want to play bingo and poker online. This glitch combined with my own ability to lookout for new free games because I'm broke and free is the only thing in my price range gives me a supprisingly large knowldge of free games.
And to get around the other problem I had of most methods being to complicated, I went ahead and used the blog system, which I find sutible for almost all my internet needs. Click "make new", put in a buncha words, link to some pictures or files or websites or whatever you want, and then it goes on the interwebs. The simplisity lets me focus more on what I want to do content wise, and not worry about what new pages need to be coded, and folder setup, and crap.
So...back to why I threw together a review site in two days. I figure there's at least the possibility that if I put enough reviews up, then it could pass for experience, and maybe I could become the reviewer type that gets hired by game magazies/websites, and then not only would I be paid for somehting remarkably easy and enjoyable for me, but then I'd get opertunites to go the the big gaming conventions and events. E3 comes imedeately to mind. That would be another notch on the wall for me.
So yeah. I got the site up and ready to be filled with actual content. I did the two games I posted on the happy lotus forum, and I figure I'll move on to the greats in my collection like Warning Forever, Little Fighter 2, Beats of Rage, Frozen Bubble, Vantage Master Online, and whatever else tickles my fancy.
I think this might turn out well for me.
But, most of this will have to wait about a week. My three monkey cousins are up visiting, and while they are suprisingly intwined in the abundance of internet in my house, I'll still be giving them a lot of my time as we go to the beach, bowling, hiking, and all the other outdorsy crap I only do when they come up.
It's not that bad, tho. It's really not the outdoors that I dislike. I have no problems with the outdoors. just that asshole of a sun. Once the sun goes down, I like goin out. Actually, the only thing I really am gonna miss out on this week is seein Krystle. But, ya'know, I don't get to see my cousins that often, and I know I'm gonna see her Sunday, and I'm gonna make sure we have fun. And I don't just mean fun, but I mean fun. Like, wathing a guy on a cell phone absent mindedly walk into traffic and getting hit by a bus type fun.
I'm not sure what that fun is yet, but it's comming.
Scratching the itch in your brain you didn't know you had.
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