Saturday, June 24, 2006:

WARNING: you just bought hot pockets.

Yes, I'm aware that pretty much no one reads this thing anymore, but I really don't care. Hell, it's only origional purpose was to be a stoping ground for my literary attempts. The point was never to express information or have popularity in any of it's forms, nope. It was just for me to write if I felt like writing. And to that extent, it's been successful all this time.

And if you are, or ever have been a fan of the blog of Nick Korn, then odds are you have thought "hey, he's not that bad of a writer." (Note: I'm not (just) having dreams of granduer here. Other people have told me I'm okay at this, aand I base that statement on them. Blame them.) But really, I just write the way I speak and think. I talk to myself a lot anyhow.

See, I used to have imaginary friends. A whole lot. (we're talking 4-6 year range here, I'm not that pathetic.) But it got to the point that I knew I was taking to one of them, but I just didn't really know which one. I just imagined a whole bunch of them in a line, and I'd just start talking and assume that at least one of them was listening. Then I just lost the imaginary friend part, and now I just talk to myself. I'm fine with that. For some reason which I have not worked out (yet), when you speak, you comprehend what you're thinking in a differnet way then when you think it alone. Apparently something stupid is much easier to pick out by how it sounds then how it seems.

Dammnit it's annoying when you can see the words being typed on the screen after you've stoped typing on the keyboard.

Besides, I am totally aware of the gap between my brian and my mouth. I think really fast. When I was younger, I used to speak really quickly, and no one could tell what the hell I was saying. Then, some how by this point, I've managed to slow down my speaking so I can be heard, but I think at the same speed, so I find myself droping words in order to keep up. It's fun. Everyone once in a while you just gotta look back and wonder, "Wait, what the fuck did I just say?"

Maybe if the prseident only said that once in a while...

Bah. It's summer. I'm going to bed.

1 down, 79 more humorus refrence to the pope to go...


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