Sunday, March 12, 2006:

inapropreate comment that no one understands so it's allright!

So I was thinking today, and half in making fun of emo, half in being emo myself, I came up with this:

Some people sometimes have trouble telling if they're alive, I have troubles sometimes telling if anyone else is alive.

This sounds like a really bad statment, but I don't think it really is.Maybe it is. Ignore that for now.

Now, in order to asure you of my actual punk status, I'll have you know I was part of a group of hoodlems who were chased out of Stanley Deming park by three cop cars. Better then that, it was the second time I've gotten chased out for playing too late.

First time was cause me and the TA at NYSSSA were playing hakisack at like 3
AM, and then the cops rolled right up on the sidewalk where we were. Well...had been. We saw cops and ran. Next thing you know everyone is being told by the cops to vacate the building.

This time it was capture the flag. I'm a lot better at it then I thought, actually. Never actually played it before. When I was a little chillun', I didn't play games with the other chillun'. I tried, but I sucked. I actually met more people while sitting on the side being all bad at playig then I did on the rare occasion I did get in some game. Actually, where I excelled was in hanging upside down by me knees on the jungle gym. Didn't fall much, and when I did, I always remembered to put out my arms so I didn't land on my head. I even took an actual gymnastics class once. Didn't last to long. But that's where Nicky got his start at being a ninja. Hiding in the jungle gym while hanging upside down.

One last note: I've been told a few times now that I'm going to hell. I've also been told that I'm definately not going to hell, implying that heaven is a very probable outcome. I don't think I'll end up in either place tho. My after life is going to consist of a like 200X200 square of land floating over an eternal black void, with a mailbox and a small white house with a couch and nice TV/stereo system. For all eternity. Just like in the hidden egg in ahl_nocredit.bsp.

meh. At the moment, I'm not going anywhere.

F*R*A*G: Okay, this one time Randy Beaman was at his cousin's house and he put a cheese sandwich on the table and then he turned around and his cousin played the most mind blowing drum solo anyone has ever heard ever and then when Randy Beaman turned back around, there was a grilled cheese sandwich on the table. Kay, bye.


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