Tuesday, March 14, 2006:

Big 3 and the 14 Yakuza

Okay, I have a plan. It's not much of one, but it is one nonetheless.

Last time there were parent teacher confrences, I went and I was a helper for Mr. Sorensen. I did it just for the hell of it, and since I did with Jon C-R I knew it couldn't be that bad. In honesty, it actually kinda rocked. After hours the school seems so much more open and free...Nothing like durring the regular day. Still doesn't really have any good climbing spots tho. Anywho...I volunteered to do it again. Not for Sorensen, but for Woodring this time. I don't know if it'll still be cool, but hell, can't be all that bad.

Now, the only problem with all this is that tomarow I also have drivers ed at 4:30, and I need to be at Woodring's by 7. Basically I'm gonna get to come home for an hour and a half after school, then I'll be back there until aroun 9-ish, at least. Hey, at least it's just a few long things rather then a bunch of short things. The only part that's really dick about all this is that it's my birthday. Well, to ballance that out my mom let me compromise and take Thrusday off, so it'll all clear up nicely. Maybe my present will show up that day and I can spend it BUILDING GIANT ROBOT!


Now, as for that plan I was first talking about... first, do the little bit of homework I have. Then help my mom try to fix the tire on the car. Following that, take a shower (I admit, after gym today I feel excedingly rank) Once Freshened, dance around to my whim by playing UT 2004, Soul Calibur 3, Rachet and Clank, or Wild Arms 3, or even Photoshopping some pictures or writing in that story I started oh so long ago. Wherever I may end up, I am going to make sure I play some SC3 by the end of the day. Then, much sleep will follow.

Oh, and btw Ry, I have your book. You'll get it back tomarrow.

If it was just Robots, then I would still probally be interested. Just Empire, and ehh...could go either way. But, Robots AND Empire! Now we're ready to fucking rock!


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